- Adventures
- Home Island
- Mini
- Missions
- The Island of the Pirates
- Witch of the Swamp
- Motherly Love
- Horseback
- Return To The Bandit Nest
- Stealing From The Rich
- Old friends
- The Black Knights
- Victor The Vicious
- Old Ruins
- Roaring Bull
- The Nords
- Traitors
- Outlaws
- Surprise Attack
- The Shaman
- Bandit Nest
- More Secluded Experiments
- Wild Mary
- Sons of the Veld
- Gunpowder
- The Dark Brotherhood
- The Invasion of the Nords
- Secluded Experiments
- Ventures
- Fairytale
- Arabian Nights
- Ali Baba, the Young Wood Cutter
- Ali Baba and the First Thief
- Ali Baba and the Second Thief
- Ali Baba and the Third Thief
- Ali Baba And The Treasure Of Wisdom
- Aladdin and the Oil Lamp
- Aladdin and the Beautiful Princess
- Ali Baba and the Treasure of Knowledge
- Sindbad and the Besieged City
- Sindbad and the Sea Snake
- -Mountain Clan-
- Co-op
- Scenarios
- Event
- Christmas 2020
- Handbook
- Draw a Guide
- Archive
10 funktioniertso nicht, selbst wenn ich de alsem mit max reinschicke das nur der boss über bleibt die 2te welle verliert mit der truppeneinstellung!
Das ist richtig AT? Vielleicht brauchst du die AT fur Stufen 36-49? Ribbitha hat 30000 Gesundheit?
Link zm simulation: